LifeStat, The Emergency Pocket Airway Tool
French Pocket Airway, Inc.
6123 Marquette Place, New Orleans, La. 70118
FAX: (504) 866-8507
6123 Marquette Place, New Orleans, La. 70118
FAX: (504) 866-8507
Dr. French, inventor of the Emergency Pocket Airway and an Ear, Nose, and Throat Physician, states the following:
- In an emergency, unscrew the device from the end threaded onto the key ring.
- Unscrew the other end. A trochar and cannula will slide out.
- Perforate cricothyroid membrane or other accessible area of airway with trochar threaded within cannula.
- Withdraw trochar after it and cannula are within lumen of trachea.
- Thread small end of outer casing into hub of the cannula, thereby extending the length of what has become a breathing tube.
- Spontaneous or assisted breathing now possible. Ambu or respirator adaptable.
- Apparatus may remain in position during subsequent attempt at oral intubation.
Caution: Federal law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician or other practitioner licensed by the laws of the state in which he practices to use or under the use of the device.